Let Me Explain Welfare Dependency
At first glance, poverty seems to be an easy problem to solve (until you think about it). Just give the poor support and money, right? They'll be able to get jobs and start supporting themselves, breaking the poverty cycle, right? That'll only last until they start relying on the welfare, and once that happens, everything goes wrong. Welfare dependency is a huge problem in the United States, and a lot of it comes from the fact that prices are rising, wages are staying the same, and housing is harder than ever to find. When a family needs welfare to be able to feed their kids, or when they're $100 short of being able to rent a roof over their heads, it's hard to advocate for cutting off the aid. Which is why I'm not going to advocate for doing that. But giving out the welfare poses its own problems. What happens when those who aren't truly poor start abusing the system (because trust me, they will)? What happens when someone's on welfare but doesn't se...